[vertaling] Gnucash invoice
Mark Haanen
i18n op haanen.net
Za Mrt 26 08:06:40 CET 2011
Mehdi Aqadjani Memar schreef op vr 25-03-2011 om 12:35 [+0100]:
> Dear Benno,
> thank you for the reply! I prefer "Totaalbedrag" to "Beschuldigd
> bedrag". In my view the second one is politer than the first one.
> Best regards,
> Mehdi Aqadjani
Dear Mehdi,
Hopefully you _are_ aware that the value presented as "Verschuldigd
bedrag" is the total value of the invoice LESS any payments already
received on the invoice? The invoice template "Elegante factuur"
actually shows both Totaalbedrag and Verschuldigd bedrag below each
other (at least I know it does in the current stable version 2.4[.4] of
the program).
Mark Haanen
Gnucash translator
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