[vertaling] xz-5.7.1-dev1 (100%) by Benno Schulenberg
Translation Project Robot
robot op translationproject.org
Za Jan 25 11:37:03 CET 2025
Hello, members of the Dutch team.
The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:
All of its 260 messages have been translated.
This PO file has been announced to the maintainer of 'xz', hoping he
or she will include it in a future release.
No one in your team is currently assigned to textual domain 'xz'. If
you decide to translate this package to the Dutch language, please
inform your team leader, who will inform the translation coordinator
that you were assigned to 'xz'.
The following HTML pages have been updated:
Thank you for all your work,
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.
<coordinator op translationproject.org>
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