JHUAPL Attachment Blocking Notification

vertaling@nl.linux.org vertaling@nl.linux.org
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:19:12 -0400

This is an automatically generated Attachment Blocking notification. Do not reply to this message. A message sent from your email address contained a file attachment of type: *pif 

The message was not delivered to its intended recipient. Action is Attachment quarantined.

These attachments types are not allowed on our email system. Please resend the item in ZIP format or with a different file extension.


Message details are as follows.

From: vertaling@nl.linux.org
Subject: Returned mail: Data format error
Date: 2004-07-26 10:18:45

Open Source Software vertaalproject, vertaling@nl.linux.org
                web: http://vertaling.nl.linux.org/
archief mailinglist: http://mail.nl.linux.org/vertaling/