From Marcel
Marcellinus Dagoda
Thu, 1 Apr 2004 14:17:03 +0100
From: Marcell Dagoda
Abidjan Coted'Ivore
West Africa.
me to inform you my heart desire for a business
relationship with you.=0D
I am Marcell Dagoda, the only son of late Dr Vincent
My father =
was very wealthy Gold/Diamond dealer in
Freetown, the economic capital o=
f Sierra Leone. My
father was poisoned to death by his close business=0D
associates on one of their outings on a business trip.
My mother died =
when I was 12 years old and since then
my father took me so special. Bef=
ore the death of my
father on Febuary 6th 2002, in a private hospital in=
Freetown, he secretly
called me by his bed side and told me that he =
has the
sum of Fifteen million
dollars (USD 15.000.000) in the gener=
al trust/security
conpany in Asia, and he used my name as the next of=0D
kin when he deposited the money. He warned me that
because of envy that =
he was poisoned by his close
He also advised me to seek f=
or a foreigner in a
country of my choice those associates will not hurt =
as they have succeded in poisoning him. Dear, I
honourably seek your=
assistance in the following ways:
1-To provide an account where this mo=
ney will be
transfered to.
2-To help me arrange for better establishm=
ent. 3-To
help me come over to your country to further my
education. De=
ar, I am ready to offert you 15% of the
total money for your help. But i=
f may be you are not
in better position to help. Please let me know. =0D
So that I can look for another helper. I am here to
let you know that =
this transaction is 100% risk free.
Looking forward to your kind reply=
and may God bless
Sincerely Yours.
Marcell Dagoda.
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