fwd: hey its me again

bjimmy@email.com bjimmy@email.com
Mon, 4 Aug 2003 15:25:42 +0800




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<td align="center"><font size="2" color="white"><b>DON'T LOSE ANY MORE MONEY ON YOUR EXISTING HOME LOAN!<br><br>hey its me again, i was wondering if you'd be interested in this site<br><BR>it<oqqww>'s very special.only the banks kn<l82e>ow about it..<BR><br></td>


<tr><td align="center"><a href="http://r.aol.com/cgi/redir-complex?url=http://topthing@buynow3sx.com/viewso65/index.asp?RefID=198478"><font color="yellow" size="3"><b><u>you're placed up for auction and financers outbid each other on gett<bra00kfoass>ing you the best deal on your mortgage!</a><br><br></td></tr>


